On Writing, and Who We Are

Alison Chew reflects on the nature of writing after attending a Student’s Tea featuring Jonathan Tan.

A war of words –University Town Intercollegiate Provost’s Challenge Shield Debate Tournament Primer

Jensen gives a brief introduction on the ongoing University Town Inter-Collegiate Provost Shield Debate Tournament.

Engaging Tembusians in active citizenry: REACH dialogue

About 50 Tembusians attended the dialogue session with Ngiam Siew Ying, the director of the National Population and Talent Division. The topic of discussion was population issues.

Tembusians shine at Q&A on possible Sino-Japanese war

Several Tembusians stepped up to the microphone and asked critical and insightful questions at the last Tembusu Forum on 20 Feb, entitled “Will there be another Sino-Japanese War?”

Tembusu freshies cultivate first SEED exhibition: Morphing Earth

Geometrical structures made of plywood and complex sketches displayed on boards set up in the Tembusu lobby were part of the first SEED exhibition, a new initiative by the Tembusu Think-Tank and Feedback Unit.

Tembusu wins UTown’s inaugural Inter-College Games

On Sunday, Feb 23 at 6.30pm, Tembusu College was announced champion of the Inter-College Games (ICG), one of NUS UTown’s key annual flagship events.