On Political Correctness and Privilege

What should we make of politicians who give textbook answers, and is Singapore’s safety net as small as we think it is? Sarah-Kei Lauw reflects on Minister Tan Chuan-Jin’s visit to Tembusu College.

The Truth is Indeed Out There - Featured image from http://susanthebruce.blogspot.sg/2015/11/the-post-truth-era.html

Is There Any Truth in “Post-Truth”?

Denise Goh explores how the word “Post-Truth” has evolved in both usage and meaning over the past year, pre and post US Elections.

Why “Alternative Media” is Destroying Our Nation

Donald Trump’s victory in the recent US Presidential Elections took everyone by surprise, but the aftermath has revealed a deeply divided and bitter nation. Reuben Wang gives his take on the rise of ethnic nationalism and how it has been exacerbated by the bifurcated media.

Donald Trump Is…Right?

With the looming US Presidential Elections in sight, Reuben Wang investigates the potential reasons why Donald Trump’s supporters continue to fervently support him, despite his almost universal derided persona.

Modern Cowboys: Singapore’s émigré crisis

Call it wanderlust or by another name, the innate need to travel and see the world is prevalent amongst youths today. Reuben explores why this may be so – are we all modern cowboys in disguise?

On Holding Assumptions Hostage and Terrorising Extremists

Jerrell challenges the challenging of assumptions – does objectivity eliminate your sense of self?