What is Love, Really: An Anthology
This is the second of a two-part Valentine’s Special. In this collection of stories from various Tembusians, each offers their own perspective on what love means to them.
When Novelty Wins: An Investigation into Tembusu’s Sports Culture
Why are novel sports so popular in Tembusu? As the Inter-College Games unfold, Cheryl reflects on Tembusu’s sports culture and what it reveals about the college community.
Tembusu Between the Lines
At times it is a space for work, other times it is a space for bonding, and yet other times it is a space for rest. What is Tembusu, really? How do we even begin to categorise its spaces? And what does emerging adulthood have to do with all this? In this piece, Min explores the blurring lines of spaces, our lives, and everything in-between.