The Courage to Say Goodbye
As the journeys of some Tembusians reach their conclusions, hastened by a coronavirus outbreak, Ng Chia Wee reflects on what it truly means to have the courage to say goodbye.
What I Found Coming Back
Marshall Too reflects on the changing dynamics in Tembusu after an 18-month absence.
Art and Mental Health
Reuben ruminates on what three artworks about mental illness and suicide can tell us about art and mental health.
An Exchange (Mis)Adventure: When You Lose Almost Everything
Not all exchanges go smoothly. Ryan Quek recounts a trip to Spain during his exchange where he loses almost all his belongings, and he shares tips on how to deal with such an ordeal, or better still, avoid such a predicament.
4 Observations from Visiting North Korea in 2013
The article aims to shed some light on this hermit nation- the DPRK (“North Korea”). Instead of a day-to-day account of my 8-day trip to North Korea that will probably bore everyone, with the benefit of hindsight, I believe that the key takeaways can be distilled into 4 significant and interesting observations.
Discovering Possibilities: An Epilogue
The story of how University Town came to be. Journeys of growth amidst difficulties. Tensions between choices and identities. Five inspiring stories took centre stage at Tembusu Polity’s “15 Minutes” event, themed “Discovering Possibilities”. Chia Wee reflects on this event from the audience’s perspective.