Do Not Resuscitate

Hello, my name is Marcus Seah. I am a 2nd year medical student from Ponya. This is my medical column and the aim is to talk about medical issues, specifically those of public health. Public health issues concern the overall health of people rather than specific diseases and treatments. Dental care is one example. Many […]

On Political Correctness and Privilege

What should we make of politicians who give textbook answers, and is Singapore’s safety net as small as we think it is? Sarah-Kei Lauw reflects on Minister Tan Chuan-Jin’s visit to Tembusu College.

Day in a Life: Ong Kah Jing, the Storyteller and Explorer

The Day in a Life (DiaL) series continues with our interview with Ong Kah Jing, a Year Two Business Administration student and Project Director of the Tembusu College/STEER Indonesia Expedition and Director of The Conservation Conversation.

The Truth is Indeed Out There - Featured image from

Is There Any Truth in “Post-Truth”?

Denise Goh explores how the word “Post-Truth” has evolved in both usage and meaning over the past year, pre and post US Elections.

Reflections on the Middle Lift

Beyond the horrors of school, Ying Hui reflects on her harrowing experience in the (t)Halloween-themed middle lift last semester, and the conjuring of fear in one’s mind.

Designing a Home: How Tembusu’s Walls Shape the Bonds We Forge with Each Other

This week on Treehouse, Reuben Wang reflects on the architecture of Tembusu College and mediates upon the concept of ‘placelessness’.