College Life

The Tembusu College community is known for its friendly and welcoming culture. In our College, learning is not just restricted to the classroom but interwoven throughout daily life. Students can expect a myriad of opportunities to interact with Fellows — many of whom also reside at the College — and distinguished visitors, both during official functions and as part of everyday living at the College. Coupled with a continually evolving schedule of sports, music, culture, drama, and events organised by student interest groups, and the student government, the College is a constant hive of activity.

Within the college community, there are smaller entities called houses — which are formed through the clustering of various floors. The five houses — Shan, Ora, Tancho, Gaja, and Ponya — are named after endangered animal species to reflect the College's commitment to caring for the environment. The house system facilitates the formation of neighbourhoods within the greater college community, and helps students better know each other through more intimate events. Houses also occasionally engage in friendly competition with each other at events such as the Tembusu Sports Day.

As our living space greatly impacts our lives, the College takes great pride in curating and maintaining its environment. Our dining hall — which we share with our neighbours at Cinnamon College — is the centre of college life. After all, dining is a social event, and one's company is often the highlight of the meal. Meal times are thus moments when students socialise and engage with Fellows, Graduate Fellows, distinguished visitors, guests, and, most importantly, with each other.

Some of the other spaces in the college include a common lounge on level one, replete with sofas, tables, and a range of board games, perfect for small gatherings and discussions; The Abbey, a music room with a wide range of instruments; The Box Office, Tembusu's home cinema slash coffee space; and the Tembusu Reading Room which is designed and stocked by the Fellowship of the college. In addition, every floor has its own lounge — personalised by, and catering to the needs of, its respective residents.

And since our community is constantly evolving, so is our living space at Tembusu College. More importantly, each manifestation of our transformation is driven by the college community itself.

The Tembusu (Fagraea fragrans) is a large evergreen tree in the family Gentianaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia. Its trunk is dark brown, with deeply fissured bark, looking somewhat like a bittergourd. It grows in an irregular shape from 10 to 25m high. Its leaves are light green and oval in shape. Its yellowish flowers have a distinct fragrance and the fruits of the tree are bitter tasting red berries, which are eaten by birds and fruit bats.