Medicine of my Mother’s Mother — The Issues with TCM

Did you know that Steve Jobs turned to TCM not long before his demise? Rounding off the semester on Treehouse, Marcus Seah finishes his public health column by bringing insights into the coexistence of TCM with western medicine in his article.

V, for Vitamins, not Vendetta

Hello, my name is Marcus Seah. I am a 2nd year medical student from Ponya. This is my medical column and the aim is to talk about medical issues, specifically those of public health. Public health issues concern the overall health of people rather than specific diseases and treatments. Dental care is one example. Many […]

Palliative care — what does this really mean?

Palliative care does not mean a loss of hope. It is a treatment that gives respect and dignity back to the patient to die on his own terms. Today in Treehouse, Marcus delves deep into the nooks and crannies of Singapore’s palliative care system in his article.

The Outcome-centric Conversations We Should Be Having with Our Doctors

Hello, my name is Marcus Seah. I am a 2nd year medical student from Ponya. This is my medical column and the aim is to talk about medical issues, specifically those of public health. Public health issues concern the overall health of people rather than specific diseases and treatments. Dental care is one example. Many […]

Do Not Resuscitate

Hello, my name is Marcus Seah. I am a 2nd year medical student from Ponya. This is my medical column and the aim is to talk about medical issues, specifically those of public health. Public health issues concern the overall health of people rather than specific diseases and treatments. Dental care is one example. Many […]

Make Me an Insta-lebrity!

“In the end, what does Instagram offer us?” Alex Chan introduces some of the deliberations that behind the phenomenon of striving towards insta-lebrity.